Are you avoiding or dancing around the magic you KNOW is within you?

Witch, I know that you already have a suspicion, tickling the back of your brain, of what your magic is, how great it could be.

Your Witchcraft is IMPORTANT.

Whether or not you develop your magic WILL make a difference… to you, your community, and to the world.

In Witch’s Apprentice we’ll follow a path of discovery and retrieval of your Greatest Witch Self.

Week by week you and I will peel back the doubt and confusion that have clouded your Vision and Magic, and you will be assigned personal magical work that fits your life and magical interests.

With unlimited Voxer and messaging access to me, know that your questions, concerns, and general updates can be addressed in real time.

You will experience a deepening of your magical confidence through assigned spells, personal exploration, and the close counsel of an experienced, professional witch and priestess.

This apprenticeship/mentorship includes both practical magic (learning specific magical techniques) AND powerful personal transformation. Both are required to release your inner witch.

Sacrifice your doubts and distrust at the altar of witchcraft and emerge as your most confident and purposeful Witch Self.

Your personal assignments are created to strengthen your existing skills, highlight your gifts, and stretch you into complementary magical techniques you might not have tried.

We're building your practical magic (learning new spells and methods) and at the same time exploring and transmuting anything that's been holding you back from your deep magic.

The homework is tailored to your lifestyle and the time you have available. If you have 1-2 hours a week, plus 15-20 minutes for a daily practice, you can keep up with this program.

Witch's Apprentice is both personal transformation and practical magic training.

By the end of this program you will:

  • Have a daily energetic cleansing and spiritual connection practice that you love

  • Understand your psychic abilities and how to use them in your Craft

  • Feel more confident casting spells and performing ritual

  • Trust your own magic more deeply

  • Be able to use Shadow Work and other techniques to identify and clear magical fears and blocks

  • Perform a potent, personal ritual to activate and celebrate your transformation

You will emerge from this process having evolved into a stronger and more authentic version of your Inner Witch.

We identify how your magic wants to show itself, where it's already bubbling up, and then we take action to help you begin confidently expressing it.

9 weeks on a path that is carefully designed to lead you from feelings of confusion, uncertainty, even powerlessness around your Craft, to magically inspired, purposeful, and empowered to live as your Witch Self.

And I'm walking this entire path with you, holding a torch of protection and inspiration, showing you how to travel this wild forest without becoming lost in it.

Because I can't f*@%ing wait to see the glorious magic that can ONLY come from your inner witch!

We're meeting your guides, revealing your psychic gifts, developing your magic, and maybe even meeting your familiar!

You'll know how to protect your energy, how to hear your inner truth, you will trust your magic on a deeper level, and even more.